Genetic Screening
Developed in Osaka University Medical School
Is Your Arteriosclerosis Progressive?
There are some people whose lifestyle diseases become progressive even if they maintain healthy diet and exercise. On the other hand, there are others whose lifestyle diseases are non-progressive even if they are not too careful with their diet and exercise. For example, say both A and B were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Even if they maintain the same diet and exercise, several genetic differences will cause differences in their progress of arteriosclerosis and probability of developing diabetes in the future.

One Gene Does Not Determine All
It has been revealed that personal health in general is influenced by multiple genes (single-nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) and lifestyle. Therefore, just one gene is not enough to evaluate the person's health condition.

Research Results at Osaka University Medical School
It is known that functions of genes significantly differ among races. Developed by Signpost Corporation, this screening evaluates data based on a large number of Japanese, mainly research results of Osaka University Medical School. In addition, only genes (SNP) of extremely high importance with clear scientific basis are used for measurement.

Cancer Risk and Lifestyle are closely Related!
Learn about Your Cancer Risk through Genetic Screening and Improve Your Lifestyle!

How Oncogene Screening is Conducted
- Receive an explanation of the screening at the medical facility.
- Fill out the application for genetic screening.
- A sample (approximately 2ml of blood sample or using a saliva test kit, depending on the facility) is taken.
- Your results will arrive from the medical facility approximately one month later.

Women: 14 items | Men: 12 items |
For Your Information:
Your genes contain information that will not change for the rest of your life.
This information will be kept safely with an ID number and no blood or other samples need to be taken again in order to assess risks for myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.
As new research results get confirmed, new items for screening will be added in the future.
Your information on the genes you were born with will help you maintain and improve your health.

A Report to Show Your Genetic Risk of Diseases

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Signpost Corporation
2-2-5 Doshomachi Chuo-ku Inui No.2 Building 4F
Osaka City, Osaka 541-0045
Toll Free (in Japan): 0120-534-310