Infection Prevention Treatment against Novel Coronavirus
What are Ostrich Antibodies?
In the laboratory of Professor Yasuhiro Tsukamoto, the President of Kyoto Prefectural University, antibodies that can inactivate a wide variety of pathogens have been mass-produced from ostrich eggs, which exhibit an astonishing immunity, for use in infection prevention. These Ostrich Antibodies are now enhanced to attach themselves to a part of 2019-nCoV virus, spike protein, and are successfully produced in bulk. Spike protein is an essential molecule for the coronavirus when it infects a person. Thus having the Ostrich Antibodies attach themselves to the spike protein can significantly inhibit infection. An Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) test, conducted in February 2020 in the laboratory, confirmed that Ostrich Antibodies strongly attach themselves to the spike protein.

Developer: Yasuhiro Tsukamoto
President of Kyoto Prefectural University
Professor at the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences
The antibodies ostriches produce have an extraordinary ability to inactivate pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. These antibodies can inactivate the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by decreasing infectivity, attaching themselves to the coronavirus' spike protein necessary when it infects a person.

Advanced Technology to Refine Antibodies Transferred into Ostrich Egg Yolk
Ostrich Antibodies uses technology to extract and refine antibodies from ostrich eggs. Professor Tsukamoto, the current President of Kyoto Prefectural University, developed this technology, which is now patented in the USA, EU, Japan and China.

Proven by University Research Institutions

Inoculating an ostrich with detoxified pathogen creates antibodies inside the ostrich's body, which then gets transferred into the ostrich's eggs. Contents of those ostrich eggs are separated and refined repeatedly to extract highly-concentrated antibodies.
These antibodies are refined multiple times, including a disinfection process, so that they are safe to be sprayed on nasal membrane and into oral cavity.
The antibodies go through various tests, such as oral toxicity test, allergen test and patch test, to confirm the safety before being dispensed into nasal applicators.

Infection Prevention Treatment
against Novel Coronavirus
First Visit | 3,300 JPY |
Subsequent Visit(s) | 2,200 JPY |
Anti-COVID-19 (20ml) Prescription | 4,000 JPY |
(tax included)
※These expenses are not covered by the health insurance.

- One application on nasal and oral membrane will prevent infection for 3 to 4 hours. Spray up to 5 to 6 times a day and the prescription will last for 3 to 4 weeks.
- However, blowing the nose or eating and drinking after spraying will reduce the preventive effect. We thus recommend re-spraying.
- The prescription may also be applied onto a mask to prevent infection further.
Q What are antibodies?
Antibodies are a type of biological defense component that protects the body from foreign substances such as viruses that entered the body.
Q Are they safe?
Ostrich Antibodies are tested with allergen test, skin patch test and acute toxicity test for their safety. Their 10-year track record shows they are safe to use on masks, sprays and in cosmetics.
Q Is there an age limit for use?
Q What do I need to bring when I visit your clinic?
We will ask you to show your health insurance or other ID cards to prevent reselling of the antibodies.
Q What are Ostrich Antibodies?
Ostrich Antibodies are extracted from ostrich eggs and refined to fight viruses, bacteria and allergens.
Q I'm allergic to eggs. Are they safe for me to use?
Our allergy test shows they are safe to use. If you are concerned, try a self-patch test first by dropping a few drops on your skin and see if your skin gets red or not.
Q Can women who are pregnant or breast-feeding use them?